Yimin Zhao

I am studying MSc in Robotics program in National University of Singapore (NUS), where I am a member of NUS Autonomous School Bus Group supervised by Prof. Marcelo H. Ang Jr. in Advanced Robotics Centre. I am interested in applying AI in various interdisciplinary fields, especially in biomedical information analysis and autonomous vehicles. Looking for fully funded PhD positions!

Interests: Robotics; Autonomous Vehicles; Deep Learning; EEG; Drone

Bio: I graduated as a BSc of Computer Science from University of Leeds (UoL). During that time, I focused on the researches of applying machine learning methods on EEG analysis. I am exciting that our brain-controlled robot wins the National Second Prize of China-US Young Maker Competition (CUYMC) in 2021. Also, during my master's period, I published my EEG-based emotion classification system on MICCAI conference in 2024.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any inquiries! 在此查看中文版

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National Second Prize, China-US Young Maker Competition (CUYMC)
Successful Participant, 2021 Mathematical Contest in Modeling

Profile picture


Project image
Feature Fusion Based on Mutual-Cross-Attention Mechanism for EEG Emotion Recognition
Yimin Zhao, Jin Gu
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention –- MICCAI 2024 (Accepted), 2024
Project Page / Paper / Code /
	author = {Yimin Zhao and Jin Gu}, 
	title = {Feature Fusion Based on Mutual-Cross-Attention Mechanism for EEG Emotion Recognition}, 
	booktitle = {Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention –- MICCAI 2024 (Accepted)}, 
	year = {2024}, 
Project image
The Mind Commands You: Combining Brain-Computer Interactions with Augmented Reality to Control Internet of Things (IoT) Tools, and Robotic Platforms
Haohong Wang, Shenghao Gao, Yimin Zhao, Maojia Song, Heng Wang, Damien Rompapas
IEEE 5th International Conference on Electronics Technology (ICET), 2022
Project Page / Paper /
	author = {Haohong Wang and Shenghao Gao and Yimin Zhao and Maojia Song and Heng Wang and Damien Rompapas}, 
	title = {The Mind Commands You: Combining Brain-Computer Interactions with Augmented Reality to Control Internet of Things (IoT) Tools, and Robotic Platforms}, 
	booktitle = {IEEE 5th International Conference on Electronics Technology (ICET)}, 
	year = {2022}, 

University Projects

Project image
Autonomous Vehicle SLAM, Perception, and Navigation
Yimin Zhao, Zhenbiao Huang, Yanqiao Huang, Ruiyang Chen, Yifei Mo
2024 ME5413 Autonomous Mobile Robotics Final Project, 2024
Project Page / Paper / Video / Code /
	author = {Yimin Zhao and Zhenbiao Huang and Yanqiao Huang and Ruiyang Chen and Yifei Mo}, 
	title = {Autonomous Vehicle SLAM, Perception, and Navigation}, 
	booktitle = {2024 ME5413 Autonomous Mobile Robotics Final Project}, 
	year = {2024}, 
Project image
Soft Robot RL-Control based on Elastica Simulator
Yimin Zhao, Yi Lin, Pengyu Wang, Xiangge Liu
2024 ME5423 Topics in Robotics Final Project, 2024
Project Page / Paper / Video / Code /
	author = {Yimin Zhao and Yi Lin and Pengyu Wang and Xiangge Liu}, 
	title = {Soft Robot RL-Control based on Elastica Simulator}, 
	booktitle = {2024 ME5423 Topics in Robotics Final Project}, 
	year = {2024}, 
Project image
Classification of French Dialects Based on Weka
Yimin Zhao, Yunzhu Liu, Yang Xiao, Lingfeng Ren, Chenghao Zhao, Junhong Lou
2022 XJCO2121 Data Mining Module Project, 2022
Project Page / Paper /
	author = {Yimin Zhao and Yunzhu Liu and Yang Xiao and Lingfeng Ren and Chenghao Zhao and Junhong Lou}, 
	title = {Classification of French Dialects Based on Weka}, 
	booktitle = {2022 XJCO2121 Data Mining Module Project}, 
	year = {2022}, 
Project image
Functioning Fungi: A model based on climate and interaction trait
Yimin Zhao, Zhengkun Shi, Zheng Wang
2021 Mathematical Contest in Modeling, 2021
Project Page / Paper /
	author = {Yimin Zhao and Zhengkun Shi and Zheng Wang}, 
	title = {Functioning Fungi: A model based on climate and interaction trait}, 
	booktitle = {2021 Mathematical Contest in Modeling}, 
	year = {2021}, 

Homepage Template

This web page is developed based on Michael Niemeyer's template. You can visit his Github Repository to create your own personal website. Moreover, I developed a goal-setting website named MyOKR. Welcome to try it!